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Tips for Moving Furniture

Whether you’re moving to a new house or simply moving a piece of furniture across the room, your heavy furniture must be taken seriously. You don’t want to injure yourself, damage your furniture, or your home. We’ve put together a few simple tips and techniques to help you get things where you want them as safely and easily as possible.

Plan ahead

Before you do anything, take the necessary steps to measure your furniture and make sure it fits where you want it to go. Next, clear the path of any obstacles, including smaller area rugs, to avoid tripping while carrying your end of a dining room table backwards. If you’re able to disassemble your furniture, even taking the cushions and feet off of a couch, or the drawers out of an armoire, that’ll make your furniture lighter and easier to maneuver.

Protect Your Furniture

When you wrap your furniture, you’re protecting it, and you’re also protecting your house (or building) from damage. Moving blankets (also called cloth furniture pads) will help shield your walls and doors. They’re inexpensive to rent and buy. Small furniture generally needs one blanket, while most furniture requires two. If you have anything large, use three, being sure to secure them neatly and tightly around your item. You can use shrink wrap or shipping tape, and there are also rubber bands and straps designed for this, that are more eco-friendly.

Take it Easy

Furniture, especially large items, can be much heavier than they look, so it’s very important to be cautious about overestimating your strength. Whenever possible slide the item, rather than lifting it. You can buy furniture sliders or even make your own from frisbees, plastic containers, or whatever works to protect your floor. For very large or heavy items, you’ll need to ask for help. For example, a tall dresser or cabinet is best carried high and low, meaning it’s a two-person job. Simply tip your furniture backwards at an angle, and have the stronger person carry the lower end. It’s easier to maneuver, especially if you’re going up and down the stairs. And it’s even easier if the person helping you is the strong one. There are also tools you can buy, like moving and lifting straps (make sure they’re adjustable), or even rent. A ramp, hand truck or dolly will take some of the muscle out of it. And when in doubt, hire help! Because no matter what, your safety comes first.

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